Ruby Houchens

Ruby Houchens

Ruby is a 3rd year undergraduate studying mechanical engineering. She interned with NASA JSC in Summer 2020, working on the Reveals EMU HUD project with Janine Moses. In HRVIP, Ruby leads the heads-up display development for the CHANGES zero-g research project.

She is a shop tech in the Engineering Student Design Center, a founding member of the Women Machinists' Club, and the former VP of Engineers Without Borders at UC Davis. She is also a swing dancer with Davis Swing Dancers, a photographer, former circus camper, and jiu jitsu enthusiast. She currently works part-time with NASA to continue to support HMD and other bioinformatics projects, and enjoys learning how to use engineering to improve the safety of EVAs and other awesome activities.

Education and Degree(s)
  • Seeking BS in Mechanical Engineering, anticipated June 2022